Tuesday 25 September 2012

One of my photos was posted on Bodybuilding.com!

So yesterday I wake up to a message from one of my team mates that says I am on Bodybuilding.com. I was confused because I didn't enter any contest or submit my picture for anything. Someone on there snagged one of my pics off my Bodyspace and voila...look who's #9
I had an awesome photographer who I did a shoot with the monday before the show. I will post two more of my favs.

Monday 24 September 2012

5 months later!!

So much for me doing a follow up like I said I would after first show. My bad!
It was a fun summer although I completely derailed on everything. I ended up with a useless shoulder after the show. I have been going to physio and it's slowly coming around. I haven't been able to train shoulders or chest : ( My coach had intended for me to compete this fall and bring home trophies but....
I did place fourth in tall I found out a few days after April comp! Even though I did for completely personal reasons and was not there to "compete". I thought it was pretty cool : )
I also did a photo shoot the monday before the competition of which I will add here and there over the next few blogs.
I am back, because I am planning on competing again. I need to clean up diet and get some goal going while letting my shoulder heal. I made a decision to go with some new trainers. I bonded with the girl trainer back stage at my first show. She won her division AND over all. She's just an awesome person all around, so is her hubby(coach too). I am excited to get back on track and have some goals. I am such a goal orientated person.

Me bonding with my new team(although I didn't know I would be crossing over at the time) they are great and really support and motivate eachother. I am all about that. I think now matter what "team" we are all in this together. Training our butts off and we should give mutual respect for that. : )

My next post will be about an unexpected surprise I got this morning! : )